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The dark side of AI customer service: 5 pitfalls to avoid

Grant Oyston
AI Product Marketing Manager
AI & Automation | 10 min read

We talk a lot about the benefits of using AI in customer service — and we genuinely believe in them — but AI isn’t a shiny new toy that will solve all your problems overnight.

The conversational AI market’s value is expected to reach $33 billion by 2030, but 70% of consumers still prefer human agents to AI for customer service interactions. Ouch. That's a pretty clear sign that we've got some work to do.

Businesses are navigating complex terrain to harness AI’s full potential. When done right, AI can be a game-changer. It can drive revenue growth and cut operational costs. It can increase customer lifetime value (CLTV) and strengthen brand reputation. And it can put you ahead of the competition. In fact, companies that offer AI customer service grow in revenue 4-8% faster .

28% of business leaders have used AI to cut their company’s costs.

- Tidio

But in order to achieve AI greatness, the right implementation of AI customer service is crucial.

Here are five pitfalls of AI customer service that you need to be aware of. And don't worry, we're not just here to point out the problems. We're also going to show you how to sidestep these landmines so your business can create a customer service ecosystem that leverages AI’s strengths to deliver best-in-class experience.

Pitfall 1: The uncanny valley of AI interactions

Picture this: You're chatting with what you think is a human customer service agent. The conversation is going smoothly, but something feels... off. Suddenly, you realize you're talking to AI.

The concept of the “uncanny valley” in AI refers to when AI responses that are almost, but not quite, human-like create a sense of unease or discomfort. And it can leave a bad taste in your customers’ mouths.

Solution: Embrace AI’s identity or perfect human-like interactions

So, how do we avoid this AI identity crisis? Embrace AI’s identity instead. You can craft a greeting message that clearly communicates that the person is talking to AI but also increases trust in the AI by outlining the its capabilities. For example:

“Hey! I’m Wall-E, an AI Assistant for Acme Industries. I’m able to answer thousands of common questions about our products and help you make updates to your account, including billing issues.”

The goal is to:

  1. Communicate to the customer upfront that they’re interacting with AI, while making it clear how useful the AI is and what it can do.
  2. Ensure that your AI is actually capable of living up to its promises.

To do this, the AI needs to be capable of behaving like a human agent. You need an AI agent that actually reasons through problems like a human would. An AI agent that instantly connects to your knowledge sources to act autonomously, perform complex actions, and follows brand guidelines to act as an ambassador for the business.

Over two-thirds of CX organizations think generative AI will help them provide warmth and familiarity in customer service.

- Zendesk

Pitfall 2: Frustrating conversational loops

Ever feel like you're stuck in a time loop, repeating the same conversation over and over? It's like being trapped in a customer service version of "Groundhog Day" — without the charm of Bill Murray on the other end of the interaction.

When an AI system fails to understand or appropriately respond, it leaves customers feeling unheard and unvalued, which is exactly what you don’t want your customers to feel after interacting with your business.

While 90% of businesses report faster complaint resolution with AI, it becomes meaningless if it's acting like a dog chasing its own tail.

Solution: Implement escape hatches and human and human handoffs

To mitigate the risk of conversational loops, organizations should implement two key strategies:

  1. Escape hatches: Give your AI the ability to recognize when it's out of its depth and gracefully bow out. Design AI systems with built-in mechanisms to recognize when they’re stuck.
  2. Human handoffs: When the AI is stuck, ensure there are clear protocols for when and how to transfer a conversation from AI to its human agent. Providing seamless transitions to human support when necessary allows organizations to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction while still benefiting from AI efficiency.Better yet, pick an AI agent solution with these capabilities built-in.

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Pitfall 3: Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Emotions, those pesky little things that make us human. Unfortunately, they're also the Achilles' heel of many AI systems.

Emotional intelligence is one of the most challenging aspects for AI systems to replicate convincingly, but it’s also a critical component of delivering effective customer service.

Positive experiences with AI customer support elevates buyer satisfaction by up to 20%.

- Tidio

Without proper emotional intelligence capabilities, AI agents fail to recognize the emotional context of customer interactions, and this could hurt your brand reputation. Your AI agent could come off as cold, inappropriate, or even offensive, particularly in situations where empathy and understanding are crucial.

Solution: Integrate sentiment analysis and empathy training into your AI

To address this pitfall organizations should focus on two key areas:

  1. Sentiment analysis: Choose an AI agent with advanced natural language processing techniques that detect and interpret emotional cues and respond appropriately.
  2. Empathy training: Ensure the AI agent can not only recognize emotions, but also respond with appropriate empathy. This involves testing the AI agent on a wide range of emotional scenarios to see how it behaves and provide guidance for appropriate responses when necessary.

Pitfall 4: Over-automation

In the rush to embrace AI, some companies fall into the trap of over-automating their customer service processes. The result? A depersonalized experience that fails to meet the nuanced needs of individual customers.

A customer experience that’s impersonal and inflexible makes it impossible to solve complex issues, especially when empathy and judgment are essential

Solution: Find the right balance of AI and human interaction

Businesses should go for a balanced and incremental approach to AI implementation.

  1. Start small: Onboard the AI agent across support channels to automate simple, repetitive tasks before moving on to more complex interactions.
  2. Human-AI collaboration: Develop systems where AI and humans work in tandem. Equip your human agents with the skills to work alongside AI, focusing on complex problem-solving and relationship building.
  3. Continuously monitor and improve: Regularly analyze the performance of your AI agent and make adjustments based on customer feedback.

Pitfall 5: Poor integration with existing systems

Poor integration with existing systems can severely limit AI’s capabilities and effectiveness.

Imagine this: Your new AI customer service solution is up and running. It's sleek, it's smart, it's... completely disconnected from all your other systems. Congratulations, you've just created the customer service equivalent of a desert island.

When AI is operating in silos, disconnected from other businesses tools and databases, it has limited information. And it’s likely to serve up incomplete or inaccurate responses to customer queries, requiring customers to repeat information or navigate multiple systems to resolve their issues. It completely undermines the potential benefits of AI implementation.

Solution: Seamless integration with CRM, knowledge bases, and human teams

Your AI should be able to pull information from all the systems your human agents use. Here’s what to look for in an AI customer service solution:

  1. Unified data ecosystem: The right AI agent platform will be able to centralize all your customer data in one place, including CRMs, knowledge bases, and other relevant data-bases.
  2. Cross-functional collaboration: Ensure that the AI agent can seamlessly hand off the conversation, with full context, to the right person when necessary.

Navigating AI customer service

Interested in harnessing the full potential of AI in your customer service? Understanding and proactively avoiding these five key pitfalls can save you a ton of grief in your implementation.

One major takeaway here is that it’s crucial to maintain a balance between technological innovation and human oversight. You need to strike the balance — your AI customer service depends on it.

Implementing AI in customer service can feel like you're navigating the open ocean without a compass, unless you have the right AI agent platform on your side. Choose wisely.

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